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Current Grant Timeline

Mint Round
Mint Round
Start October 1 2024 - End November 15, 2024
Notification: Early December 2024
Open Mint call
1 October 2024 - 15 November 2024
Inform outcome to applicants
by 15 December 2024
Close out/ end of grants
4 months after contract signatory
The current round is open until 15th November 2024
Check your eligibility to apply below
Micro Pool
The Micro Pool is specifically designed to support one-off contributions that significantly enhance the Celo community, offering financial assistance to projects at the very start of their journey or providing retroactive funding to those who have already made notable contributions. From community management and open source code contributions to governance and educational content, this pool aims to nurture a truly global economy and protocol that invests in leapfrog nations and prosperity for all.
Eligibility for this pool
  • True bootstrapping for projects at the start of their journey.
  • Can be a small company or an individual applying.
  • Can nominate someone who has contributed greatly to the Celo ecosystem, unpaid.
  • Community management
  • Open source code contributors
  • Governance management
  • Educational content
What this pool is not
  • A free-for-all petty cash.
General information
  • One off payment of $2,000 cUSD to all successful applicants
  • No KYC, no legal burden on the recipient
  • No multiple applications for the same project/concept.
  • For unsuccessful applications there will not be detailed feedback; we are subjectively reviewing projects individually.
  • When the pool is empty, applications will close unless replenished.
Apply >
Pilot Pool
New projects, yet to build and deploy a feasibility study, pilot, low-fidelity prototype, or MVP. Emphasis here is that this pool has a small ticket size for simply getting something off the ground. Applicants will be expected to deliver something to at least testnet (if technical) of a sufficient quality to potentially continue if the pilot is successful. At this stage, we are not expecting a fully-fledged project. Projects must open-source the code and communicate anything learned along the way. Priority will be given for public goods style projects over commercial enterprises (although the latter is not disqualifying, if it meets the application criteria)
Eligibility for this pool
  • VC-funded, private, for-profit companies are not eligible.
  • Delivery of the project must include socializing and communicating your work.
  • Applicants will be expected to deliver to at least testnet (if technical)
  • Projects must open-source the code.
  • The applicant can point to previous projects or pieces of work that demonstrate their ability
  • Priority will be given for public goods style projects over commercial enterprises (although the latter is not disqualifying, if it meets the application criteria).
  • No multiple applications for the same project/concept.
What this pool is not
  • Operational expenditure for established projects.
  • Marketing expenditure for established projects.
  • Funding for events management.
  • Cash incentive for an established project on another blockchain to deploy on Celo.
  • Liquidity provisioning for a project.
  • Disbursement for incremental new features on an established project.
General information
  • One-size fits all disbursement of up to $10,000 cUSD total.
  • Payments will be split 50% at project onset, and 50% after agreed delivery.
  • Applicants will sign a short contract with Prezenti and be KYC’d.
  • For unsuccessful applications there will not be detailed feedback; we are subjectively reviewing projects individually.
  • When the pool is empty, applications will close unless replenished.
Apply >
Growth Pool
Applications for this pool may be for incremental features for ecosystem mainstays or public goods, as long as all the standard application criteria are met. VC-funded, private, for-profit companies are not disqualified as a hard rule (these companies are often the best placed to deliver complex and high quality solutions) if they are clearly delivering something pivotal to the community.
Eligibility for this pool
  • Must be open source or published.
  • Must be built for and deployed to Celo mainnet and be open to the public.
  • Delivery of the project must include socializing and communicating your work.
  • Priority will be given for public goods style projects over commercial enterprises (although the latter is not disqualifying, if it meets the application criteria).
  • No multiple applications for the same project/concept.
What this pool is not
  • Funding to directly pay for continuous project salaries.
  • Purely marketing expenditure.
  • Venture capital investment in the company.
  • Funding for events management.
  • “Pay for play” cash payments for an established project on another chain to deploy on Celo.
  • Liquidity provisioning for a project.
  • Token listing fees for a project.
  • Disbursement to fund a well capitalized, privately controlled, commercial-only company.
General information
  • One off payment of $25,000 cUSD to all successful applicants
  • Payments will be split 50% at project onset, and 50% after agreed delivery..
  • For unsuccessful applications there will be some detailed feedback; we are subjectively reviewing projects individually
  • Applicants will sign a contract with Prezenti and be KYC’d.
Apply >
We are currently closed for applications
If you applied to the latest Apricot round you should hear on the outcome of your application by the end of September. If you missed this round, the Mint round will open in early October 2024.