We are open for grant applications!

A new funding year and updated Prezenti’s goals

  1. Prosperity for all. Celo must have a clear doorway to bootstrapping and micro-grants in a truly global economy and protocol that invests heavily in leapfrog nations.

  2. Retain a healthy ecosystem of experimentation on one of the cheapest and most performant EVM-compatible networks out there. Maintain a funding source for pilot projects at a very early stage of development.

  3. Continue to support more mature projects in the Celo ecosystem to launch on mainnet, or grow their scope if already established.

To serve these aims, we have split our treasury into individual pools representing each area of focus: 

Micro Pool: $2,000 cUSD  - click here to apply

Pilot Pool: $10,000 cUSD  - click here to apply

Growth Pool: $25,000  - click here to apply

Round Timeframe: To better facilitate applications and grantees we run as a ongoing 3 month round starting 29/03/24 - 30/06/2024